Call for Symposia

On behalf of the European Society for Microcirculation (ESM), the Local Organizing Committee and Program Committee, we wish you a warm welcome to ESM 2025, the upcoming Biennial Meeting of the European Society for Microcirculation! ESM 2025 will be held at the József Attila Study and Information Centre, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, between May 19-22, 2025.
Now we invite proposals for thematic Symposia in the field of microcirculation, from the molecular to the organ level. The goal of these symposia is to provide a forum for focused discussions on new and emerging topics in the field of microcirculation.

The preliminary program of the meeting offers 14 slots for Symposia arranged in two parallel sessions. Each symposium is 80 min and we recommend that four speakers are included, and one or two chairs moderate each session. The speakers will have a 20 min slot (12 min presentation, followed by 8 min discussion). We encourage meeting attendees to engage in as much interaction as possible. It is our intention to organize the Symposia in person only.

The Symposium proposals should be prepared in the template below and submitted via email to  no  later than September 30th, 2024.

The Program Committee will evaluate the proposals received, and select Symposia to be included in the program for ESM 2025. Symposium organizers will be notified of the decision by October 20, 2024. Abstracts of all the selected Symposia contributors must be submitted by the general abstract submission deadline.

Please, note that Symposium Chairs and Speakers must all be registered participants of ESM 2025. Enquiries regarding the proposals should be addressed to the Program Committee and mailed to

Important note: there are no central funds available at this stage of the organization to cover the participation costs of the speakers and session chairs invited to each session.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to ESM 2025!

Symposium proposal template